uPVC Windows

Cheap Double Glazing

For most homeowners, the windows in their home were already installed when purchasing the property. So where do you start if you want to replace them? Windows can be a costly upgrade to your home.

However, if you are looking for cheap double glazing, this guide will help you make the most cost-effective choice. Despite the initial cost, installing new windows can save you money over time along with many other benefits including:

  • Saving money on repairing your current windows
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Better insulation and lower energy bills
  • Increased security
  • Reduced noise pollution

Our guide will help you find the best double glazing deals on the market, without compromising on quality.

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Choose the right material

If you are looking to purchase or replace your current windows on a budget, the material you choose will play a big part in the cost. Before you choose a frame material, think about:

Windows are made from one of the materials below, and each has different benefits and characteristics.


uPVC is the most popular material for windows due to its excellent insulation properties and durability. The price of uPVC will vary depending on the manufacturer and quality, but uPVC windows are a very cost-effective and flexible choice if you have a budget to stick to.

uPVC windows are the most affordable type of double glazing.

It is more modern material than timber and requires much less maintenance. The prices of the windows before installation can range from £800 – £5,000.

Cheap uPVC window


Timber windows provide a more traditional look and are great for older or period homes to maintain its character. Softwood is the cheapest timber option whereas hardwood is longer lasting but more expensive.

Installation of softwood double glazing can range from £6,000 -£15,000 for a medium-sized home and hardwood can cost up to 3 times as much.


Aluminium is a great material to use for double glazed windows. It is strong and efficient and provides a modern look, but it is not the cheapest material to use.

Aluminium windows start at around £1,000 without installation costs.


Composite windows use a combination of aluminium and timber. Although composite does use timber, it needs much less maintenance as the timber is on the inside and not exposed to the infamous British weather.

The aluminium and timber used are also recyclable, making composite a more environmentally-friendly choice.

The average cost to install composite windows in a medium-sized home is between £10,000 and £20,000.

Different frame styles with different price points

Frame material is not the only decision you will need to make that will affect the price you pay. The cost of your windows will be determined by the size, shape, and style of the windows you opt for. The more detailed the frame style, the more expensive they will be.

Here are some of the most popular frame styles:


Casement windows are the most affordable style and are a standard design that opens outwards.

Although the design is simple, the mechanisms are strong and have multiple locking points for security.

Cheap casement window

Sash windows

Sash windows are a more expensive option due to the high level of security and more intricate design. They open by sliding upwards and add a traditional aesthetic to the home, whilst still being very energy efficient.

Sash windows

Tilt and Turn

Tilt and turn windows can be tilted to provide a small opening that is secure. They have excellent weatherproofing and offer flexible options for ventilation. Tilt and turn double glazing can be opened fully like a casement window or tilted open, making them great for small spaces.

Tilt and turn uPVC windows

The right kind of glazing

Choosing your glazing is about finding the balance between insulation value and price. New windows will come with a Window Energy Rating (WER) which explains their energy efficiency. A-rated is the best and C is the lowest rating that is allowed and will therefore be the cheapest to install.

Choose the right time of year to buy double glazing

It may surprise you, but the cost of installing double glazing windows can vary depending on the time of year. When companies have a quiet period, they are more likely to offer discounts.

Generally, this is during the winter months so if you are willing to brave the cold during installation, you could save a significant amount of money. When you have a quote, ask if it would be cheaper at a different time of year.

How to make the right deal?

Every home and budget are different, so research is essential to find the right deal on your windows. Here are our top tips to get the best deal:

  • Get at least 3 quotes from companies. You can use the WarmerInside free quotation service to compare deals from installers in your area.
  • Never go with the first price and negotiate a better deal before you commit to purchase.
  • Check the terms of conditions of the sale.
  • Get your quote in writing.
  • Be flexible with your installation dates.
  • Search reputable websites for any grants available in your area to help pay towards the cost of your windows.
  • Check the warranty on the windows before you decide.
  • Choose an installer that is verified and qualified to install your windows safely.
  • Don’t be pressured into anything. Take your time and make an informed decision.

Get quotes from glazing installers

Seeking advice from professional glazing installers is key. Before you go ahead, check out our Warmerinside free quotation service to find reliable experts in your local area that fit your budget.

Their knowledge and experience will mean they can answer any questions you may have and give advice on which windows will work best for your home and put together the most cost-effective choice for you.